Kajuji Norihide (勧修寺教秀)

Norihide KAJUJI (1426 – August 19, 1496) was a court noble in the Muromachi Period.

The 7th head of the Kajuji family (lineage can be traced to the Kanroji branch of the Takafuji group of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, a noble family) who were tosho-ke (the hereditary lineage of Court nobles occupying relatively high ranks).


He was Gon Chunagon (Provisional Middle Counselor) Tsuneoki KAJUJI's son. He was Sangi, Tsunenao KAJUJI's foster child. His foster children include Gon Chunagon Tsuneshige KAJUJI (actually Tsunenao KAJUJI's son).

His biological children include, Gon Chunagon Masaaki KAJUJI, Sangi Tadaaki MATSUDONO(Non-sangi Mototaka MATSUDONO's foster child), Sangi Katafusa MADENOKOJI (Jun-daijin (vice minister)Fuyuhisa MADENOKOJI's foster son), Sama no kami (Captain of Samaryo, Left Division of Bureau of Horses) Akikata MISHO (non-Sangi Mototaka MACHI's foster son, founder of the buke Misho clan), the wife of Sadaijin(Minister of the Left)Kinnao IMADEGAWA, Naishi no suke (Handmaid) Fusako FUJIWARA (entered the court of Emperor Gonara), the wife of Naidaijin Sanetaka SANJONISHI, Horakumon-in FUJIWARA no Fujiko(entered the court of Emperor Gokashiwabara, kokumo (mother of Emperor)of Emperor Gonara), and the wife of the Chief Priest of Matsuoka-ji Temple, Renko (third son of Rennyo).

He became Sangi in 1453.

In 1471, he became Gon Dainagon.

In 1496, he became Jun-daijin, Juichii (Junior First Rank) and was posthumously awarded Sadaijin.

He worked as a buke tenso (liaison officers between the imperial court and the military government) and as a maternal relative to the Emperor, he rose to a high rank and position.

[Original Japanese]